The APA's Mentorship program provides peer support to BIPOC and other underrepresented populations entering (and navigating) audiobook narration. Mentors guide mentees in building professional relationships; finding coaches, studio/equipment research, proofing, editing resources; and connecting with voice talent communities (Facebook groups, etc.). Mentor/Mentee partners meet and work on mentee-established goals over the course of 3 months, with at least two meetings a month.

"This has been an enjoyable experience. I'm glad I can have a positive impact on and assist with the development of such a talented and hard working mentee!"—Mentor, pilot program

"I’m really grateful that I was chosen as a mentee. I’ve learned a lot and gained more confidence as a narrator. I’ve also learned to stop being so hard on myself when lengthy pickups come back :-). I look forward to eventually becoming a mentor."—Mentee, pilot program

Interested in being a mentor?

Interested in being a mentee?

Baseline Expectations:

  • Mentees:

    • It is the Mentee’s responsibility to initiate meetings & Action Steps (goals).

    • Mentees will review/work on Action Steps before each meeting.

  • Mentors:

    • It is the Mentor's responsibility to set a professional tone and a supportive environment. 

    • Mentors must always aim to keep the conversations equitable.

  • Mentors/Mentees:

    • Must complete the two surveys offering program feedback.

    • Keep all discussions private.

    • Strive to adhere to active listening.

Time Commitment:

Mentors: 8 hour minimum time commitment over the 3-month period.  

  • 6 hours of one-on-one meetings with their mentee

  • 1 hour Launch Meeting

  • 1 hour Mentee/Mentee Mid-point Check-in Meeting

  • 1 hour Closing Meeting

Mentees: 9 hour minimum time commitment over the 3-month period.  

  • 6 hours of one-on-one meetings with their mentor

  • 1 hour Launch Meeting

  • 1 hour Mentee/Mentee Mid-point Check-in Meeting

  • 1 hour Closing Meeting

2024 Fall Program Timeline:

Month 1 - August

  • Mentee/Mentor pairs are set

  • Introduction Meeting - Tuesday, August 6, 12-1pm ET

  • Minimum two meetings per month between Mentor/Mentees to discuss development.

Month 2 - September

  • Midpoint survey for check-in

  • Mentee Midpoint Check-in Meeting - Wednesday, September 11, 12-1pm ET

  • Mentor Midpoint Check-in Meeting - Wednesday, September 11, 1:30-2:30pm ET

  • Minimum two meetings per month between Mentor/Mentees to discuss development.

Month 3 - October

  • Guest Expert Meeting

  • Minimum additional two meetings per month between Mentor/Mentees to discuss development.

  • Close-out Meeting - Thursday, October 17, 12-1pm ET

To apply: APA Members can access the application by logging into this page. Applications for the Fall 2024 session are now open until July 19, 2024.

Please note: applications are updated each session, and your APA membership must be active for 2024. To learn more about membership, click here.