Getting Started In audio
This page provides information for Authors and Publishers who are starting out in audio.
Our member publishers encourage you to submit your title via an agent.
Want to produce and distribute your title yourself? Here are tools to get you started.
Top Tips for Producing Your Own Audiobook
APA Members who can help you distribute your title:
Studio and Production members of APA who can help you record your title:
Airbending Media (Clifton, VA)
Audiobooks NZ (Auckland, NZ)
Bee Audio (Ashland, OR)
Blue Nose Audio (Louisville, KY)
Booktrack (Toronto, Hong Kong, Philippines, New Zealand)
Brick Shop Audio (New York, NY)
Canarit Audiobooks (Los Angeles, CA & Tel Aviv, Israel)
Cedar House Audio Productions, LLC (Seattle, WA)
Centennial Sound (Grand Rapids, MI)
CityVox (New York, NY)
Curated Audio (Beverly Hills, CA)
Deyan Audio Services (Tarzana, CA)
High Gravity Productions (Santa Clarita, CA)
The Invisible Studios (West Hollywood, CA)
John Marshall Media (New York, NY and Atlanta, GA)
Lyric Audiobooks (Harrisonburg, VA)
Mosaic Audio (Van Nuys, CA)
One Night Stand Studios (Los Angeles, CA)
Outloud Audio (Burbank, CA)
Pro Audio Voices (San Rafael, CA)
Tim Bader Audio (Ardmore, PA)
The TreeCave (Rumford, RI)
TYDEF Studios (Atlanta, GA)
Verity Productions (San Marcos, CA)
Voice Over Vermont (Shelburne, VT)
Voiceworks Audio (Irvington, NY)
VoxPod NYC (New York, NY)
APA members who can help you proof, edit, and master your recorded title:
Golden Age Audio (Atlanta, GA)
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Learn about the industry history.
Read our audiobook fact sheet.