Simplify & Streamline Digital Distribution & Sales Through Ingram

Diversifying your digital distribution channels is more important now than ever before. Even before the pandemic, we saw sales across multiple formats increase as many readers began to interact with books across mediums. The shift started to accelerate as consumers became reliant on having continuous access to their reading material—a physical copy on their nightstand, an ebook for the commute, and audio to enjoy on the long car ride. Since the pandemic, the trend toward multi-format readership has continued. In fact, the data shows a continual rise in readership across the board, resulting in increased sales across all channels and formats, with no cannibalization of sales on any format.

Online channels continue to be a critical component of publishers’ distribution strategies, and based on a study from McKinsey and Company, The Great Consumer Shift, an 11% migration to the online channel for book purchasing is predicted. No one is surprised by the data that predicts further growth of online sales. In fact, stats from NPD Bookscan has been consistent with our own sales data, showing that 2020 was a big growth year for e-commerce. Book sales across the industry have never been higher—with more units sold last year than the previous 15 years as tracked by NPD. And the demand for books hasn’t slowed down so far this year—with Ingram experiencing double digit growth in 2021 digital sales. So as publishers develop their distribution strategies, the focus needs to remain multi-format and with wide channel reach. Providing broad, consistent and strategic availability across your digital retail partners for ebook and audio is as critical in the online space as it is offline.

Ingram offers a robust digital distribution program with CoreSource, that reaches all key digital channel partners in line with your physical distribution strategy and direct connects to audio channel partners spanning 100+ countries. CoreSource allows you to streamline your workflows to ensure accurate, complete metadata is available everywhere and gives you visibility across all your channels at one time. CoreSource Plus, a fully-managed digital distribution service allows for a single contract to unlock the wide-reaching global distribution network while giving each publisher the ability to retain control over where and how their content is distributed. Whether you’re already well-versed in the audiobook landscape or looking to get started to meet the inevitable demands of the growing market, Ingram has the right solution to meet your evolving business needs. From physical to digital distribution with simplified workflows and unmatched reach to conversion solutions to ensure titles are in industry-standard digital formats to get to the right distribution channels, your books will be set up for optimal success.

To learn more and get started with Ingram’s Digital Distribution service, visit here.

To learn more about Ingram’s full suite of digital platforms and services, visit here.


Rakuten Kobo with Nana Malone – an author's perspective on audiobooks


May 2021 News Roundup